Exclusive: Clip From Nuclear Energy Doc 'Pandora's Promise' Reveals How Warheads Power Our Cities

nullThe issue of how to power our homes, offices and really, our lives, continues to be one that inspires fierce debate. As concern for the environment becomes an increasingly important element of the discussion, how we draw power without harming the world around is of vital importance. Nuclear energy has long been seen as a risky proposal at best, but could opinion be changing on the subject?

The upcoming “Pandora’s Promise” offers a different perspective than what you might normally hear. Directed by Academy Award nominee Robert Stone (“Radio Bikini“), the film presents environmentalists and energy experts — including Stewart Brand, Richard Rhodes, Gwyneth Cravens, Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger — who have changed course in their thoughts about nuclear power. And as this exclusive clip from the movie shows, their arguments are compelling, with this sequence revealing that the United States buys Russian warheads, dismantles and repurposes them into nuclear energy.

Sure to be provocative and informative, after premiering earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival, the documentary opens in New York City on June 12th and expands on June 14th. To see when and where it plays near you click here. Watch below.