Exclusive: Courtney Love Hires A Private Investigator In Clip From Kurt Cobain Docu-Drama 'Soaked In Bleach'

Soaked In BleachWhile the acclaimed documentary "Kurt Cobian: Montage Of Heck" celebrates the life of the late Nirvana frontman, it does not cover his death, with the film concluding two weeks before he would commit suicide. But that’s where the docu-drama "Soaked In Bleach" fills in the gap, digging into the curious circumstances around Cobain’s passing, and we have exclusive clip from the film.

READ MORE: Sundance Review: ‘Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck’ Is An Entertaining And Moving Rock Star Portrait 

Directed by Benjamin Statler, the movie centers on private investigator Tom Grant‘s unique perspective on Cobain’s death. He was hired by Courtney Love to find her husband only days before he was discovered dead in their Seattle home. Grant believes there is enough empirical and circumstantial evidence to suggest foul play was involved, and as you’ll see in the sequence below, there was something that raised a red flag about Love hiring Grant even from the start.

"Soaked In Bleach" is now playing in limited released and is available via Vimeo.

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