Exclusive: Take A Spin With Clip From 'ABCs Of Death 2' Segment 'R For Roulette'

R For RouletteJust like that, Halloween is upon us. This year, you’ll have an entire weekend to get into the ghoulish spirit of things. And among the festivities you have planned, you might want to add "ABCs Of Death 2" to your movie marathon of scare flicks, because the omnibus film, featuring 26 horror shorts, will likely have more than a few segments that will send a chill down your spine. And today, we have an exclusive preview of one of the highlights.

"R For Roulette" comes from "Blood Glacier" director Marvin Kren, and it stands out in a few ways. Firstly, it’s a period piece, and secondly it’s in black-and-white. But perhaps most enticing is the premise, which sees a group of Germans in a basement playing Russian roulette, but as for the exact reason why? Well, we’ll let you discover that for yourself, because the twist is pretty great, but in the scene below, you can get a sense of the tension that builds in Kren’s short effort.

"ABCs Of Death 2" is now available on VOD, or you can see it on the big screen starting October 31st. Watch below.