Exclusive: Trailer For Documentary Followup 'Herb & Dorothy 50x50'


In 2008, filmmaker Megumi Sasaki unspooled “Herb & Dorothy,” the tale of a postal clerk and librarian who became two of the most unlikely figures in the contemporary art world, thanks to their extensive collection which they gifted to The National Gallery of Art. Now, five years later, Sasaki returns with “Herb & Dorothy 50×50,” which follows up on the journey of Herb and Dorothy Vogel and what impact their 1992 present to the nation has had. 

16 years after their initial gift to the NGA, the Vogels’ collection had expanded from over 2000 works to well over 4000 pieces, and with the museum unable to house them all, a program was launched to gift 50 works to each state. “Herb & Dorothy 50×50” follows that story and how it has resonated. Following the passing of Herb Vogel in July 2012, the collecting has stopped on behalf of Dorothy, but as you’ll see in the exclusive trailer for this documentary, the lasting legacy they have imparted is almost immeasurable. And the documentary is a fitting portrait of the Vogels’ life work and dedication to art.

“Herb & Dorothy 50×50” opens on September 13th in New York City with Los Angeles, San Francisco and more major cities across the country to follow. Watch below.