Famous Film 'Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation' Finally Shown In Hollywood - See Some Of It Below; Plus Lucas Talks Indy 5

Over the year’s you’ve surely heard of the legendary, but little-seen “Raiders of The Lost Ark: The Adaptation.” The L.A. Times explains the backstory about 3 pre-teens who remade the film shot for shot on the super-cheap in their backyards back in the early ’80s. The film would go on to become cult phenomenon, but rarely screened (shock horror director Eli Roth described as “the Ark of the Covenant of underground tapes.” )

The legend of the film is well-known in Indy circles. In 1982, three friends — Chris Strompolos, Eric Zala and Jayson Lamb — got together to begin a shot-for-shot re-creation of “Raiders,” a film that had been released just a year before. Their ambitions were huge — they committed to re-creating every single effects shot, including the giant rolling boulder at the film’s beginning.

Vanity Fair wrote an incredibly comprehensive feature on it back in 2004 called “Raiders of the Lost Backyard” and they called the inspired little film, “a tale of love, obsession, and pissed-off moms.” Well, since “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skulls” is right around the corner (and we’re actually going to see it early this weekend), we figured we’d show it since hardly anyone’s ever seen it. Plus, hey, almost 10 minutes of the apparently 100 minute film (!) was uploaded to YouTube today. The film was shown for the first time ever in Hollywood this week. ] After all the fuss in 2004 when the film was “re-discovered” (around the time of the Vanity Fair article), Scott Rudin and Paramount Pictures purchased the trio’s life rights and are producing a film based on their adventures creating the kids’ remake with Daniel Clowes writing the script.

And don’t miss this gem that George Lucas just told Fox News about the possibility of an Indy 5. “I haven’t even told Steven [Spielberg] or Harrison [Ford] this,” he said. “But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out.”

We’re sure you can see them working out. Just like those ‘Star Wars’ prequels, huh?

Oh and Harrison just responded to Lucas’ comments. “I have no cheeky answer for [that]. I just work here. I’m glad to work here,” Ford told MTV News at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday (May 16). “Till they tell me otherwise, I will continue to be Indiana Jones.”