Get Your First Look At Your New Mighty Morphin' 'Power Rangers'

Hollywood’s mania for nostalgia continues to keep ticking along, and after recent revivals of “G.I. Joe,” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Transformers,” the latest entry in the strange sub-category of ‘things that millennials loved as kids and continue to be interested in despite them being terrible’ is Lionsgate’s new “Power Rangers” movie.

Set for release a little under a year from now, with “Project Almanac” helmer Dean Israelite at the helm, the new film reboots the popular Saban series which melded teen drama with footage from the Japanese “Super Sentai” show to enormous success, with as many as twenty different shows spinning off, as well as two theatrical movies in the mid 1990s.

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A few weeks back saw the reveal of Elizabeth Banks as villain Rita Repulsa, and today Entertainment Weekly have brought us the first glimpse of heroes. We can’t see their faces, but that’s Becky G, Ludi Lin, Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott and R.J Cyler as the Yellow, Black, Red, Pink and Blue rangers in new suits that take the franchise in a new direction. “Ours is an alien costume that grows on them, that’s not man-made,” production designer Andrew Menzies tells EW. “You can’t win everyone over, but we are trying to appeal to a more mature audience and gain new fans.”

If you’re an existing fan, are you happy with the new look? Or does it make you so angry that you want to grow to be hundreds of feet tall and fight with a robot? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or Twitter/Facebook.