First Look: The Heroine Of 'Inglourious Basterds'

Russian site keeps leaking photos from Quentin Tarantino’s “Iglourious Basterds.” This new one give us our first look at the film’s main heroine/protagonist Shosanna as played by French actress Melanie Laurent (last week it was new shots of Brad Pitt).

With her is her lover, the film projectionist Marcel, played by Jacky Ido.

Ever since photos were released of this film we’ve felt much more at ease with the project. It looks great and we can’t wait for more.

According to a recent interview with Harvey Weinstein who is co-producing ‘Basterds,’ the film is still planning to premiere at Cannes ’09 in May. Or at least, that’s the intention if they can finish on time, which at this rate, sounds like it might be possible.