Netflix is pushing hard on the original content front, but that hardly means it’s all going to be good. It only figures that if the quantity expands, the quality may not always follow, but the streaming service isn’t here to make high art (at least not all the time). They want viewers, and perhaps somebody out there will take the kinda silly looking “iBoy” (lol) as seriously as it takes itself.
“Game Of Thrones” star Maisie Williams is perhaps the most well known member of the cast for this movie about a young man who gets superpowers after fragments of his smartphone get embedded in his brain (no, seriously). And his powers seem to be very….smartphone-y and/or kinda like Cyborg from DC Films. Here’s the synopsis:
Tom is an average teenager whose world is turned on its head when a violent encounter with local thugs leaves fragments of his shattered smartphone embedded in his brain. He wakes from a coma to discover that returning to normal teenage life is impossible because he has developed a strange set of superpowers. With these new powers he sets out to seek revenge on the gang, who also assaulted his best friend Lucy.
“iBoy” lands on Netflix on January 27th.