Fox & Lionsgate Play Nice & Coordinate So Jennifer Lawrence Can Shoot 'Catching Fire' This Fall, 'First Class' Sequel In Early 2013

nullHow do you solve the problem of Jennifer Lawrence and two mega-franchises? Though for a brief moment it looked like Fox might piss in the corn flakes of Lionsgate, forcing them to push back their plans on getting "The Hunger Games" sequel "Catching Fire" into theaters for fall 2013, it looks like everybody was able to work things out.

THR reports that Fox, who were initially looking at possibly shooting the brewing "X-Men: First Class" sequel this fall, are now telling talent agencies it will roll in front of cameras in January, essentially leaving space for Lawrence and co. to head back to the Capitol. So essentially, it looks like Lawrence will be shooting back-to-back mega franchise sequels starting this fall, so attention Hollywood execs, if you want the actress for anything, you better get in line. Of course, Lionsgate still has to sort out the situation with director Gary Ross and whether or not he returns for part two, but you can bet those discussions are already happening. As for 'First Class 2," Matthew Vaughn is already signed to return.

So the lesson here? When you have millions upon millions of dollars at stake, it's best for everybody involved to play nice. "Catching Fire" is already slated for a November 22, 2013 release, while 'First Class 2' isn't yet on the calendar. But given that Fox isn't afraid to turn things around quickly, a late 2013 date isn't out of the question but we're guessing early 2014 is more likely.