Fox Stays In House To Promote Increasingly Hysterical-Looking 'Wolverine' Movie

“X-Men Origins: Wolverine” hasn’t had much of a presence at the big cons lately, which, coupled with the bad buzz and insane amount of rewrites, suggests a flagging confidence in the picture from Fox. Still, like card-throwing mutant Gambit, they’ve had an ace up their sleeve the entire time.* Over three consecutive nights next week, the Fox will air three extended spots for the movie that will represent a complete three minute narrative of sorts when collected online afterwards at Yahoo Movies. For those of you interested, you can catch Part One during this Sunday’s “Family Guy,” Part Two Monday during “House” and finally Part Three Tuesday on “American Idol.”

In addition to reporting this story, nabbed an official still from the film, which was seem clearly in the trailer. Here, a young James Howlett, i.e. Wolverine, stands over the corpse of Thomas Logan, the man soon to become his namesake in one of the most inane, unnecessary origins hastily created for any major character. Apparently the motive behind the comic series “Wolverine: Origin” from a few years back was to finally tell the entire story behind Wolvie’s origins before the movies got to it, creating a cycle of self-perpetuating, unimaginative bullshit. Though, in all fairness, this publicity shot looks nothing like the comic, in that we don’t believe anyone ever — SNIKT! — burst into song.

*Also, like Gambit, they suck as a collective entity.