Get Lifted With New Pics & Clip From 'Paranormal Activity 4'

nullThis Halloween, whether you like it or not, the "Paranormal Activity" saga carries on with "Paranormal Activity 4: We Still Haven't Bought A High Def Camera." Continuing the aesthetic of no-fi production values, actors you've never heard of, fast cutting and jump scares, for some reason a lot of people like this sort of thing. And a few more peeks of the movie have landed as it heads to theaters.

This writer hasn't been keeping up with this flick at all, but it seems that spooky stuff is once again happening though this entry — the second from "Catfish" helmers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman — and it seems to be carrying with it a distinct "Poltergeist" influence, with a creepy kid and all. Paramount unveiled the film at Fantastic Fest last month in a rough cut to a pretty mixed response, but critics have had little say in the success of this franchise, which has taken in over $500 million worldwide all on scrappy budgets. Not bad.

"Paranormal Activity 4" opens this Friday. Clip and pics below. [Yahoo/Kinopoisk]
