Director Scott Cooper and Oscar-winner Christian Bale are reuniting on the Gothic thriller “The Pale Blue Eye.” The Netflix project follows a series of murders at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, in 1830. Harry Melling is set to play a young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe, who will eventually go on to become an iconic author, and Bale will take on the role of a detective investigating the string of murders at the famous military school.
Now, Deadline has revealed that a heap of talented additions has joined the cast. Naes such as Gillian Anderson, Lucy Boynton, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Toby Jones, Harry Lawtey, Simon McBurney, Timothy Spall, Hadley Robinson, Joey Brooks, Brennan Cook, Gideon Glick, Fred Hechinger, Matt Helm, Steven Maier, Charlie Tahan, and lastly legendary actor Robert Duvall (“The Godfather“). A stacked cast, for sure.
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“Pale Blue Eye” is loosely based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Louis Bayard with Cooper both writing the script and directing. It makes the third project Cooper and Bale have done together alongside the gritty modern thriller “Out of The Furnace” and the period western “Hostiles,” the latter of which co-starring Rosamund Pike.
This wouldn’t be the first project using Poe as the backdrop for a murder mystery, as the underwhelming 2012 pic “The Raven” attempted to give the author the “Sherlock Holmes” treatment placing John Cusack in the role of Edgar Allan Poe.
Cooper most recently made the Guillmero del Toro-produced horror movie “Antlers.” There’s no release date set for “The Pale Blue Eye,” but with this cast, we’re incredibly excited to see what Cooper and Co. have up their sleeves.