With French New Wave legend Jean Luc-Godard spending the latter part of his career making interesting curiosities like “Film Socialisme” that are pretty much only appreciated by his small, but diehard fanbase, it’s easy to forget that one point, his name alone would have lineups forming around the block at arthouses nationwide. And coming right at the end of his 1960s run that included what arguably his best and most influential films including “2 or 3 Things I Know About Her,” “Masculin Féminin,” “Pierrot le fou,” “Band of Outsiders,” “Contempt,” “Vivre Sa Vie,” “A Woman Is a Woman” and of course “Breathless” was none other than “Weekend.”
Unfortunately, the movie has been sorely missing on this side of the ocean in a decent DVD edition. Hell, there hasn’t even been one. New Yorker Films issued a disc in 2005, but it has long been out of print. With the label going through some financial and ownership upheaval the rights seem to have shifted more promisingly to Janus Films who are releasing the film in a brand new 35mm print that will make its way around arthouses this fall. The Film Forum in New York City will get things rolling with two week run staring on October 7th. With that in mind, a brand new and very excellent poster has hit the label’s Facebook page, and it tips it’s hat the movie’s bravura car crash sequence/tracking shot, that is one of Godard’s finest moments. To summarize the film would be futile, but needless to say if it comes to your local indie theater, drop everything and go.
But if you can’t make it, don’t worry. With Janus Films and The Criterion Collection being close bedmates, a new DVD/BluRay is likely around the corner as well and it’s certainly a title that has been gone far too long. Check out the full poster below.