Guy Ritchie Says He's Making Mainstream 'Sherlock Holmes' To Be Loved Again

“I’ve spent too much time messing around in inaccessible, esoteric material,” Guy Ritchie told Entertainment Weekly (though the actual quotes only seem to be in the magazine) presumably meaning obtuse films like the pseudo-philosophical gangster pic, “Revolver” and the critically loathed, “Swept Away.” “I’ve never had my day in popular court. ‘Sherlock Holmes’ will allow me to express my accessible side.”

Translation: I’m trying to make a popcorn rollercoaster ride so I won’t be stuck in Hollywood jail. Cause recent, terribly-photoshopped posters (pictured) and yet another speed-ramping heavy trailer (below, apparently the fourth version now) certainly don’t indicate anything other than just peddling closer to the lowest-common denominator, no?

We suppose we appreciate his candor, he’s not trying to fool anyone, but maybe he didn’t have to go that aggressively hard in the other direction? “Sherlock Holmes” looks positively terrible.

Robert Downey Jr. admits in the issue, his dialogue was fed to him via an ear piece because they were doing up-to-the-minute dialogue re-writes that were tricky for him with the English accent (which by all appearances so far sounds dreadful). “I was wearing an earpiece [to get fed dialogue]. I’ve tried it since on other movies, but it only works for Holmes because he’s not thinking while he’s talking. He already knows what he’s going to say before he said it.”

Not the end of the world, obviously, but just further indication that something was largely off here. This one hits December 25 and some are expecting at least escapist fun, but people were expecting the same from “2012,” and look at how reviews are largely roasting that picture to pieces. Just sayin’. But those still holding out hope… we’re not so sure about you.