Hasbro CEO Says Ridley Scott Still Involved With 'Monopoly'; Story About The "Play-Pattern" Of Game

Oh hey, remember that “Monopoly” movie that was announced a long time ago with Ridley Scott attached? Well, kind of unbelievably, the movie is stil in the works with Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner revealing that Scott is still involved and he vaguely talked up the story details of the movie.

Speaking with MTV the chief of the toy company wouldn’t give a date on when we might see the film, but did say things were moving along. “‘Monoploy’ is still happening, and we’re developing a great story,” Goldner said. “It’s a very fun take. Ridley is still the perfect creative steward, because he creates these great, fictionalized worlds. It’s going to be a very fun story to tell.”

Ok, so what will that story be? Well, Goldner didn’t have specifics but he vaguely dropped some hints. “It’s a very human and personal story. It’s not really ‘Wall Street,’ not at all,” he elaborated. “It’s a fictionalized story of a family, and there’s a lot of intrigue in the story. Suffice it to say, it’s a story about a family with a history, and we’re projecting that into current times. But it’s not ‘Wall Street.’ It’s more about property ownership and of the play-pattern of the game.”

We’re not sure what “the play-pattern of the game” means because for us, our general “play-pattern” with “Monopoly” is to gradually get more and more bored as the game never ends, start stealing from the bank and then eventually abandoning the game wholesale for something better to do. But could it have something to do with bonkers plot details that emerged way back at the end of 2009?

At the time, Beddor described the meta-sounding “Alice In Wonderland” styled plot and it gave us pause. “I took the approach of thinking of the main character falling down a rabbit hole and into a real place called Monopoly City,” he also said. “It was the re-engineering of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ that got me thinking and then with this it came around full circle and I was able to utilize that. That’s a big world. They were searching for that.”

He added that the film follows “a comedic, lovable loser who lives in Manhattan and works at a real estate company and he’s not very good at his job but he’s great at playing Monopoly. And the world record for playing is 70 straight days – over 1,600 hours – and he wanted to try to convince his friends to help him break that world record. They think he is crazy. They kid him about this girl and they’re playing the game and there’s this big fight. And he’s holding a Chance card and after they’ve left he says, ‘Damn, I wanted to use that Chance card,’ and he throws it down. He falls asleep and then he wakes up in the morning and he’s holding the Chance card, and he thinks, ‘That’s odd.’”

Yeah, that is odd and sounds pretty dumb, frankly. But then again, with “Battleship” being turned into an alien invasion movie with Rihanna, we suppose anything is possible at this point. As for Ridley Scott, with the words “creative steward” being tossed around, we’re pretty sure he’s not gonna direct this thing and just get his name on there as a producer. Smart move.