Adult Swim has an "Informercials" slot at 4 AM where they showcase oddball, offbeat programming. It’s not exactly when anybody is actually watching the channel, so it says something that this week your Facebook and Twitter feeds have been clogged up with "Too Many Cooks." And unlike most things that everyone says to click, this is actually worth your time.
Created by Casper Kelly, this is a parody of sitcom intros that plays out for twelve increasingly bizarre and hilarious minutes. As the opening sequence to the fake "Too Many Cooks" keeps rolling over and over, the characters find themselves in more and more horrifying situations, until the whole thing just goes so far off the rails that…well, you just have to see for yourself. If anything was made to be watched bleary-eyed at 4 AM it’s this, and yes, that’s a compliment. See what you’ve been missing below.