Here Comes The Cavalry! Whoopi Goldberg And Harry Knowles Come To Christian Bale's Rescue

Does Christian Bale have an angel looking over his shoulder? Does somebody up there like the outburst-prone actor?

They must. That must explain the one two punch of salvation, that has come in the form of not only Whoopi Goldberg, but venerable rotund blogger Harry Knowles of the pre-school designed fan website, Ain’tItCoolNews (yes, it is cool).

Let’s go with the Queen of “The View” real talk, Whoopi first. She admits that even she, convivial actress herself, has even unloaded a can of vitriol on unsuspecting assholes on set. “We don’t know if this [incident happened] at the end of the day, we don’t know how many hours [he had] been working,” she said defending Bale’s recently leaked freakout on “Terminator Salvation” cinematographer Shane Hurlbut. “It’s tough. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I too have gone off on people, because if you’re a professional, you know what you’re not supposed to do.”

Harry Knowles, king of the online contacts, also defends Bale and says he heard that the DP Hurlbut had it coming.How does he know? Oh, he know. Knowles drops some, “Hey, I know a guy,” science.

“Except, you want to hear the REALITY behind that clip? I know this because I happen to be somewhere where someone that was there that day and for the shoot is. And this person isn’t a publicist, nor are they invested in Bale’s career. They’re just someone that thinks it is absolute bullshit that this moment in Bale’s life is being aired and that the real story should get out there.”

Was that second sentence Latin? He continues and reveals ladies and gentleman that Shane Hurlbut… is an UNREPENTANT LIGHT TWEAKER [*gasp* from the readers].

“Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He’s a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big “NO NO” on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.”

Well, with that irrevocably damaging info out there, Hurlbut’s career is now over. Burl Ives and Kathy Lee Gifford reportedly were going to come to Bale’s aide with statements, but obviously, that’s no longer required. There you have it, folks. Looks like this one is going down in the books in the Christian Bale column and this story is done.