'The Hobbit' In 3D? Guillermo Del Toro Says "Inquiries" Have Been Made, But That's It

So what’s going on with Guillermo Del Toro’s “The Hobbit” produced by Peter Jackson?

Is it making the inevitable jump to 3D? Jackson’s been mulling about a 3D-conversion of “Lord Of The Rings” for some time now, so many figured it was a forgone conclusion that “The Hobbit” would go three dimensional.

While Del Toro confirms that the topic has come up (naturally), no decisions or discussions have even started yet. He’s basically telling us this is a non-story (and yet, here we all are, ugh).

“I wouldn’t read much on it just yet, but now, after all this time, after ‘AVATAR’ doing the Box Office it did, we have had enquires [sic] from above about The Hobbit being in 3-D,” he said on the OneRing.net forum (via Latino Review). “No impositions or heavy leaning. Just inquires. Just fulfilling my promise to let you all know if discussions ever started.”

In other words, keep your pants on. So what do inquiries mean exactly? It means the studio is saying (with a big Cheshire grin and huge $$$ signs in their eyes), “So, 3D huh? What do you think about 3D, Guillermo? Huh? Huh? Huh? Whaddya think???” Though no “impositions or heavy leaning” suggest that New Line hasn’t put a shotgun next to Del Toro’s head while asking. Yet. As you were.