I Can Siiiiiiiiiinnnng! 'Once' Is Coming To Broadway

How do you add extra fromage to an already semi-cheesy musical? Take it to the Broadway where people can siiiiiiiing! And emo-te! That’s the plan with the feel-good indie movie, “Once,” about buskers looking for love in Ireland (or whatever it was about). The Oscar-winning film that starred Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova of the band the Swell Season (Hansard also plays in The Frames) and their love-dovey songs, is aiming to hit the Broadway stage around 2010 or 2011 once they find the most over-the-top actors for the roles and musicians who can take the existing songs and wring them free of any emotional truth so they’ll be more sentimental and saccahrine then they already were.

The musical will feature songs from the film plus tracks penned by the duo that did not make it into the film, because they weren’t that great, but hey, it’s Broadway, anything will do. [Variety]