I, Robot: Michael Fassbender Confirms He'll Be Playing An Android In 'Prometheus'

While speculation runs irritatingly rampant about “Prometheus” and what exactly from “Alien” will appear in this not-a-prequel to the film, Michael Fassbender has finally confirmed a long swirling rumor about who he will play in the film that is keeping plot and character details very, very close close to the chest.

In an interview with EW when asked directly if he would be playing an android in the film he stated, “I don’t know what I can say!” nodded affirmatively adding, “I don’t want to get into trouble…” Yeah, that’s how secretive Ridley Scott wants to be about this forthcoming film.

Again asked about the connections between “Alien” and “Prometheus,” Fassbender once again said a variation of the same statement he’s been making for the past while. Scrutinize away: “It’s a different story, but it’s also got the traditional roots. ‘Alien’ fans will recognize things in it. It’s not ignoring ‘Alien,’ there’s still a link to that world. But it’s a different story. It’s definitely connected, though.” Got all that. It’s connected, but it isn’t, but it is.

So what more do we know? Fassbender is an android so throw that in a pot, stir and we’re sure more rumors will start cropping up. In the meantime in more solid news, Idris Elba, Sean Harris and Kate Dickie were announced as the latest additions to the cast, though of course, their roles were not specified. They join Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron in the film. Once Fassbender finishes up “Shame” with Carey Mulligan that he’s currently shooting with “Hunger” director Steve McQueen in New York, he’ll fly to London and head to Pinewood were production is mounting for “Prometheus.” The film will hit theaters on June 8, 2012.