'Iron Man 2' Domestic Poster Doesn't Like Mickey Rourke

A few days ago, the “Iron Man 2” international poster arrived in all its terribly Photoshopped glory. Now, the domestic poster has arrived and its pretty much exactly the same.

Not wanting to strain their graphic designers, Paramount has essentailly used the exact same image but taken the time to swap out Mickey Rourke for a tiny graphic of Iron Man flying or falling (its hard to tell). We’re sure there is some obscure market research that told Paramount that explosions and/or Mickey Rourke on posters don’t do as well domestically as they do internationally, otherwise we don’t really see the point of snipping the villain for an almost unrecognizable pic of Iron Man. The only other difference is the bigger images of Iron Man and War Machine. The rest of the cast is still slapped around the poster like afterthoughts.

“Iron Man 2” opens on May 7th.

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