Is No One Tending The Store Over At Che's House?

It’s a bit of insider baseball, but it could speak to a larger problem at hand. Is no one tending the store over at the “Che” house that Steven Soderbergh built?

At four hours plus and no distributors or buyers so far the film is already a pretty tough sell. But Jeffrey Wells has raised a pretty salient question over at Hollywood Elsewhere. Who the hell is working the film? Who is doing publicity for the film. It’s a conversation we’ve actually been having over email so it’s nice to see him break it down.

“It’s like they have some kind of death wish,” he writes. “Soderbergh’s fine, historic and domestically un-sold film is showing in Toronto at the end of next week and nobody, it seems, is repping it p.r.-wise, nobody can tell me anything about how to set up chats or even photo ops with del Toro or Soderbergh in Toronto, and nobody — not Benicio [del Toro’s] publicist, not the folks at [rumored p.r. handlers] 42 West, not the Toronto Film Festival press office — seems to know who’s minding the store or what might the plan might be.”

Some negotiations with film P.R. companies are apparently in the works (see above), but the Toronto International Film Festival begins in seven days and not having all this locked down and sorted out it not a good look for the film or its still up-in-the-air future.