Is 'The Wrestler' Inadvertently Shortchanging 'Slumdog Millionaire'?

Ok, a thought after having watched the “Slumdog Millionaire” trailer. Without getting too pissed about it, one can’t help but feel slightly annoyed at “The Wrestler.” It’s another Fox Searchlight film which they’re probably pushing harder because of Mickey Rourke and its Oscar chances (which frankly, outside Rourke aren’t exactly amazing), and we liked the film and all, but it’s not as good as ‘Slumdog’ (though it is admittedly oranges and apples, but if we had to choose…). One can’t help but thing the rush-job (which includes a haphazard poster and not the greatest trailer on earth, not bad either, but…) for Danny Boyle’s film is not only because of Searchlight’s last minute acquisition of the film (which included a rapid, turn-around date of November 12), but because their key resources are probably moving towards Darren Aronofsky’s film which is inadvertently shortchanging ‘Slumdog.’

It’s a minor quibble and probably one that comes out of economic results, plus it makes sense – “The Wrestler” is probably going to speak to mainstream, English-speaking audiences in a way that Boyle’s film can’t (it’s 40% Hindi, 60% English, is set in India and features no well-known stars), but we can’t help but be a little bummed about that prospect. Still Foxlight admirably does a great job of pushing indies into the mainstream and we dug both films, so there’s no hate there. We’re just hoping all their eggs don’t have to go in one basket. But something to think about, the economy is fucking up everyone’s world, including the film one. Still, we hope to see Danny Boyle and ‘Slumdog’ at the Oscars.