"It Has A Monster In It": Watch The New Trailer For 'The X-Files' Event Series

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in "The X-Files."Fox is hoping to make you believe again. The network has put Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) back on duty for a new event series, and even for someone like me who always watched the show peripherally at best, I have to admit I’m intrigued.

The latest trailer raises the stakes with Dana calling her partner to tell him they have a new case to work on, and that, "It has a monster in it." From there, the brief promo fires off a sizzle reel of moments featuring supernatural oddities, creepy children, explosions, and as Scully notes, "danger." Exact plot details are still being kept secret, but the word is that this six-part effort will mostly be standalone from the rest of the series, though fans will be served well to references and characters from the past as well.

"The X-Files" starts airing on January 24th.