J.K. Simmons Is Commissioner Gordon In Zack Snyder's 'Justice League' Movies

Terminator: GenisysOscar winner J.K. Simmons has already nailed one iconic comic book role, playing J. Jonah Jameson in Sam Raimi‘s "Spider-Man" films to perfection. Now he’s jumping over to DC Comics, where another big character awaits the his talents.

READ MORE: WB Unveils First Illustrated Look At Justice League Team

THR reports that Simmons will play Commissioner Gordon in Zack Snyder‘s two-part "Justice League." The police chief will roll alongside Batman (Ben Affleck), Superman (Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) in the Chris Terrio ("Argo") penned story that will see the major players of the DC universe team up against a big villain and save the world. Clearly, WB is making it clear they are pressing ahead with "Justice League," even as word burbles that ‘Dawn Of Justice‘ may not be a complete slam dunk. But I suppose it’s either you go all in with DC movies or let these properties wither on the shelf, and perhaps they are too potentially lucrative for that latter scenario to be allowed to happen.

"Justice League: Part One" opens on Nov 17, 2017 with ‘Part Two’ arriving on June 14, 2019. Production begins next month.