Jaime King To Star As French Icon Brigitte Bardot?

“Fanboys” director Kyle Newman says he is getting ready to direct a biopic on the French model, Brigitte Bardot, and has conveniently picked his wife Jaime King to star as the iconic fashion model. King’s resume is stacked with huge stinkers, consisting of “My Bloody Valentine,” “Fanboys,” “Pearl Harbor ” and “The Spirit” of late, with her only decent film being 2005’s “Sin City.”

Early in her career Bardot’s sublime body launched her to sex-symbol status, and later supplied her a film career, though later in her life she has become notorious for being fucking crazy, a hardcore animal rights activist and outspoken against interracial marriages, Islam in France and immigration, even going so far as to be convicted five times for “inciting racial hatred.”

This possibly interesting story will most likely fall on its face as King is not the type to carry a film of such scope and Newman has yet to produce anything of notice (he hasn’t really done any features outside of “Fanboys”), though it might be something worth keeping an eye on, as both could end up rising to the occasion. But uh, wouldn’t you need the main actress to play a French girl… errr, convincingly? Maybe a little bit? [Cinemablend]