Jerry Bruckheimer Teases Plot Of 'Top Gun 2'

In development for years and years, and seemingly stalled after the sad passing of Tony Scott in 2012, late last year Paramount revealed “Top Gun 2” was back on at the studio. There’s been little in the way of other details about the movie; the only thing we know was that a couple years back, “The Town” scribe Peter Craig was hired to draft a script. But at the very least, it seems like a basic storyline or idea has been figured out, and Jerry Bruckheimer has sorta spilled the beans.

Chatting with Huffington Post, Bruckheimer revealed a logline of sorts for the sequel, one tat brings a contemporary twist to the proceedings. “The concept is, basically, are the pilots obsolete because of drones. Cruise is going to show them that they’re not obsolete. They’re here to stay,” the producer explained. “It’s just getting to the starting place. Fortunately for Tom, he’s very busy, so you have to find a slot he can fit into and get a budget that Paramount feels they can make the picture.”

Indeed, Cruise’s slate is very full. His next project will be “Mission: Impossible 5” which is due to drop in 2015. But Bruckheimer is still optimistic the actor will return to the franchise that made helped make his name nearly three decades ago (yes, it’s been that long). “We’ve been trying to get that movie made for 30 years, and I think we’re getting closer and closer,” Bruckheimer said. “Don [Simpson] and I tried to develop something, we didn’t succeed. [Tom] Cruise took over, and he tried to develop something, and he didn’t succeed. Now we’re back at it.”

Guess we’ll find out if Maverick will fly again. Until then, you can watch Tom Cruise die and kill over and over again in “Edge Of Tomorrow” which opens on June 6th.