Joan Jett Helping Kristen Stewart Record Songs For 'Runaways' Biopic

In case you missed the memo or the raven-haired mullet picture flying around, the titular biopic of the ’70s all-girl punk rock group, “The Runaways” staring Kristen Stewart has started shooting.

Stewart is obviously playing guitarist Joan Jett, Dakota Fanning is playing lead singer Cherie Currie, lesser-known actress Stella Maeve is playing original drummer Sandy West, Michael Shannon will play their infamous scumbag manager/producer Kim Fowley and Alessandra Torresani will play rocker Lita Ford.

As for the songs in the film? It appears that Stewart will be doing some of her own singing and Joan Jett herself is helping her record according to paparazzi shots that have seen the two arriving and leaving from L.A. recording studios (via MTV).

Stewart told MTV earlier this year that she’s been in training for the role. “I’ve been listening to [Jett’s] music all the time; I spent New Year’s with her. I am just trying to make myself aware of the time period and what she was going through.”

Hmm, Kristen Stewart singing Joan Jett-penned songs? Will this turn out? Actors singing for real is always a dubious proposition. Thoughts?