Back in 2000, a young Joaquin Phoenix starred opposite Russell Crowe in the Oscar-winning film, “Gladiator.” The Ridley Scott-directed feature showcased Phoenix as the disgusting, evil ruler, Commodus. Now, two decades later, Phoenix is set to portray another power-hungry leader for Ridley Scott, in the upcoming feature, “Kitbag.”
According to Deadline, Phoenix is set to play Napoleon in a biopic about the military leader in a new epic directed by Ridley Scott. “Kitbag” follows the rise of Napoleon and his demise from a deeply personal level, as we are also shown his long-lasting marriage to his one true love, Josephine. No other cast members are known at this time, but judging by the fact that Ridley Scott is directing and Joaquin Phoenix is headlining, this is going to be yet another major blockbuster that a ton of A-listers will want to be a part of.
Of course, we shouldn’t expect “Kitbag” to arrive anytime soon. Not only is Scott currently finishing up production on his long-awaited period drama, “The Last Duel,” which stars Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Jodie Comer, and Adam Driver, the filmmaker is next set to direct “Gucci,” which begins production in March. That biopic also has a ridiculous cast with Lady Gaga, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Adam Driver, and Jared Leto.
Phoenix is one of the best actors working today, hands down. Despite the discourse surrounding “Joker,” whether it’s actually a quality film or a piece of hack trash, no one can deny that the actor rightfully deserved his Oscar win for the lead performance. In addition to “Joker,” Phoenix has recently appeared in features such as “You Were Never Really Here,” “Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot,” “Mary Magdalene,” and “The Sisters Brothers.”
“Kitbag” finds Scott reteaming with screenwriter David Scarpa, who previously worked with the filmmaker on the Oscar-nominated film, “All the Money in the World.” Obviously, it’s far too soon to have a release date for the Napoleon epic, but it’s safe to say this is likely a film that won’t be arriving anytime before 2022.