Joaquin Phoenix's "Rap Career" Officially Outed As Hoax? We Weep

We’ve already been some of the first people to show you Joaquin Phoenix’s trainwrecky and yet amazing, “hip-hop” career (he obviously “retired” from film) that is allegedly being nutured under the aegis of P. Diddy (though apparently his people have said, “no comment”) and being documented by Casey Affleck. Many people have speculated that the stunt is nothing but a hoax.

And yes, it probably is, but honestly we were hoping this was nothing short of a good ol’ spectacular Hollywood meltdown. When was the last time we had one of those? Ugly, messy, so horrible you can’t turn away? It’s been too long frankly.

“This is who I am. This is my story,” Phoenix told People magazine before his now-infamous Vegas performance. “Are there people out there who think I’m a joke? I’m sure there will be … I can’t worry about that.”

Alas, apparently it is nothing but a joke and two sources who spoken anonymously to EW said that Phoenix told them, ” ‘It’s a put-on. I’m going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and Casey is going to film it.’ “

Another source tells the magazine, “It’s an art project for him. He’s going full out. He probably has told his reps that he’s quit acting. Joaquin is very smart. This is very conscious. He has a huge degree of control.”

Yeah, we figured, but now it’s not so fun at all. Although if it is nothing but a prank, we do commend Phoenix on his method-acting hoax techniques. It’s brave of him to put on weight and look like a total shitslob for a joke. Now that’s commitment, people. You could learn a thing or two from this guy, wise up.