Jon Turteltaub To Direct 'Last Vegas' Which Is Essentially An Old Timers Version Of 'The Hangover'

Please Let One Of Them Be Nicolas Cage

While the overseas haul of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” helped push the movie into profitability with a $215 million worldwide take, it was pretty much a dud domestically and seems to have temporarily derailed Jon Turteltaub, who we haven’t heard much of since. This spring, he was attached to the pretty terrible sounding legal world rom-com “Unreasonable Doubt,” but another laffer has crossed his desk and he’s taking a good look.

Variety reports that Turteltaub will tackle “Last Vegas” for CBS Films and if you ever wanted to see a movie with four versions of your Dad re-enacting “The Hangover,” then this is for you. Penned by the currently very hot “Crazy Stupid Love” writer Dan Fogleman, the story revolves around four 60-something dudes who head to Las Vegas for the bachelor party of the last of their group to get married. Get it?! Last? Vegas? This thing writes itself.

No word yet on casting, but for the love of god Turteltaub, get off the couch and give Nic Cage a call. While the actor is 47 and probably too young for any of the lead roles, he’d be perfect for any kind of Ken-Jeong-jumping-naked-out-of-the-trunk-of-a-car scenes there might be. Or hell, he could just play himself in Las Vegas. You wouldn’t even have to tell him you’re filming a movie. And while Cage has bounced around from director to director over the past few years, he’s shown loyalty to Turtelbaub starring in the helmer’s last few films. So c’mon guys, make that magic happen again.