Score Goes Up, Score Goes Down: Jonny Greenwood's "Blood' Score Gets Yanked

Yesterday, for a few hours in the late evening, Jonny Greenwood’s orchestral score for Paul Thomas Anderson’s “There Will Be Blood,” was up on the aforementioned “For Your Consideration
Paramount Vantage site that gives previews of film elements for Oscar voters (in this case, ‘Blood’s score; previously you remember this same site was giving away the ‘TWWB’ script for free).

Well PV is starting to wise up, not only did they yank the ‘Blood’ script, only after hours after posting Greenwood’s score the music samples were quickly taken down (but not after more than a few bloggers were enthusiastically pointing to its availability). We guess we’ll all just have to wait until December 18. However, wo tracks from Greenwood’s score (“Henry Plainview” and “Proven lands”) are excerpts taken from his Popcorn Superhet Receiver composition and you can here the 15-minute plus piece in its entirety here (or at least you could last time we checked).