Jump Through Time With New Images From 'Looper' Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis & Emily Blunt


Ambitious to say the least, Rian Johnson continues to add to this filmography of high concept genre films with this fall's "Looper." And after a solid reception at Comic-Con over the weekend, we're continuing to see more and more from the upcoming film.

A batch new of new images from "Looper" has made their way to the interwebs, providing another tantalizing look at the upcoming film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's prosthetics work continues to startle, and given that so much of the story is being kept under wraps, we can only speculate about where Emily Blunt's role will take her…particularly the lumberjack style shot of her holding an axe. But what else can we tell from these pics besides the fact Bruce Willis will get a bit bloody? Not a helluva lot and that's kind of the way we like it.

"Looper" will jump into the future and back to the past on September 21st. Check out the pics below. [Looper site via Daily Blam/USA Today]
