Does 'Justice League' Live Up To Its Mighty Gallery Of Heroes? [Podcast]

Welcome to another edition of The Playlist Podcast, a discussion about film news and other film and television related items.

On this episode, I’m joined as usual by Playlist Editor-in-Chief Rodrigo Perez to discuss the big movie this weekend, and one of the most anticipated films of the fall movie season: “Justice League.”

Given that this podcast is usually dedicated to “state of the industry” talks, we have spoken ad nauseam about “Justice League” — and the DCEU as a whole — all year. We’ve discussed Joss Whedon s “Batgirl that is supposedly in the works, the reshoots that “Justice League” underwent (overseen by Whedon), the back-and-forth rollercoaster about whether or not Ben Affleck will continue playing Batman, the standalone Joker movie that is being produced, et cetera, et cetera. There’s been a lot to cover, but all of it has cumulated into a film that unites Earth’s mightiest heroes under one roof. So for this episode, the industry chatter is put on the back-burner as we discuss the film itself, and whether or not it lives up the the years-in-the-making hype that has been building.

Fair warning: We do get into a ***SPOILER DISCUSSION*** around the 23:28-minute mark. So, if you are planning on catching “Justice League” later this weekend or later in its theatrical run, be sure to come back to listen to the back half of the episode after you have seen the film.

All shows and episodes are part of The Playlist Podcast Network, and can be found on iTunesSoundcloud, or Stitcher. To listen on this page, you can stream the podcast via the SoundCloud embed below or up top. Subscribe to us on iTunes, and you’ll get this podcast as well as our other shows regularly. Feel free to leave us a comment or rating if you are so inclined.

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