Karen O Talks 'Wild Things' Soundtrack Influences Reveals Love For Awesome Langley Schools Music Project

Speaks for itself and kinda interesting if you like the scores to these films (which you should).

I wanted to pay homage to some of my favorite movie music, like Simon and Garfunkel in The Graduate or Cat Stevens in Harold and Maude — I’d say especially Cat Stevens: organic melodies, really simple performances, a lot of emotion. One of the influences that Spike brought to me initially was the Langley Schools Music Project [a children’s choir covering pop songs]. These kids sing really complex, emotional songs like David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” and the Beach Boys’ “In My Room.” The songs are all sort of jangly and imperfect, but the heart behind it kills you. — Karen O [Vulture]

An interesting little doc on the Langley Schools Music Project. If you don’t have this Outsider music-ish CD, go out and get it now. It rules. Here’s part 1 and part 3.

Their cover of Bowie’s “Space Oddity”