Kathryn Bigelow Takes The DGA Award

Hell yes. Kathryn Bigelow, director of “The Hurt Locker” bested her ex-husband James Cameron (“Avatar”) in the DGA (Director’s Guild Award) winners race tonight making her the frontrunner in the 2009 Oscar race.

God, could she and the Iraq war film actually take the Oscar Best Picture and Best Director? We’d love it more than life itself, but are still skeptical. Here’s hoping. But as Roger Ebert noted last night, only six times in sixty years has the DGA winner not won the Oscar for Best Picture which bodes very well for her and her film.

In related DGA news, Louie Psihoyos, won Best Documentary for “The Cove.” He’s been the frontrunner all year and we’d be more than glad to see him win. At this point the doc seems like a lock for Best Oscar Documentary, which is probably making those bastards at the Taiji fisheries in Japan totally nervous. If and when it wins, it’s going to shed global light on what’s going on for them, so we’d imagine they’ve been trying to help “Food Inc.” win with dollar contributions this whole time, but fortunately it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.
Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Documentary
Louie Psihoyos, The Cove