Kevin Smith's Endorsement Of 'Watchmen' Kind Of Means Jackshit

Kevin Smith, the potty-mouthed, juvenile indie director, was given an early screening of Zack Synder’s “Watchman” and guess what? Evidently the comic-book nerd loved it. Apparently it is “fucking astounding.” During one of his many hours (drunken?) spent on the social networking site,, Smith posted that he had seen an early cut of Synder’s film and said that it was one of the best comic book adaptations ever, even better than, gasp…”Sin City.”

“Remember that feeling of watching ‘Sin City’ on the big screen and being blown away by what a faithful translation of the source material it was in terms of both content and visuals? Triple that, and you’ll come close to watching ‘Watchmen.'” Wow, pretty awesome right? Well, maybe if it wasn’t coming from Smith, whose taste is for total shit. Him saying “Watchmen” is amazing is about as reputable as the fat kid at summer camp claiming the ice-cream they just ate was the “best shit ever. Or it’s about as legit as Michael Phelps saying his favorite film was “Swim Fan.” Or it’s about as reputable as Germs-obsessive Marc Spitz extolling the virtues of the very medicore Germs biopic, “What We Do Is Secret.” Our point is: of course he likes it and we’re sure he has zero perspective for the rest of the world who want to know if it’s simply a good movie or not (geeks are untrustable in their taste, face it).

What “Clerks 2” (and all of his films, except maybe “Chasing Amy”) should have taught us is that Smith should never ever be considered an authority on anything. So this endorsement means zilch to anyone aside from brave enough to call themselves one of his fans publicly. In fact, Smith’s endorsement should have us all totally worried.