'The Last Airbender' To Go 3D. Yawn.

M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender” will be converted to 3D in time for its July 2nd release date. Big. Fucking. Deal.

We’re getting seriously tired of every marginal tentpole under the sun getting put through the 3D washing machine. Earlier today, Michel Gondry’s “Green Hornet” was also announced to be getting the “treatment.” Is it just us or is 3D already mind numbingly boring. We don’t care anymore. If we never saw another movie in 3D we wouldn’t miss it for one second. But apparently, audiences are loving the format, willing to shell out more money to wear those dorky, uncomfortable glasses and sit through hatchet jobs like “Alice In Wonderland” and “Clash Of The Titans.”

While we haven’t really been reporting on “The Last Airbender,” mostly because we just don’t really care, the spots have surprisingly not been terrible, and at times somewhat impressive. Why Paramount feels the need to juice the film with 3D we’re not sure, but the promise of boosted box office numbers thanks to people shelling out a few extra bucks to feel like things are flying by their head is probably a good incentive.

The great irony in all this? The company that handled “Avatar”‘s 3D process, Stereo D, will be doing the quickie version here. Oh, James Cameron, will you ever win?