Lindsay Lohan Turned Down Heather Graham's Role In 'The Hangover'

“The agent tried hard to get [Todd] Phillips to consider her,” says the source, “and when he finally agreed, Lindsay said she didn’t like the script!” – Brainiac Lindsay Lohan has an obvious eye for talent.

She was offered Heather Graham’s part in “The Hangover” — which of course has grossed $205 million in the U.S. so far, the runaway hit of the summer, if not year — and she turned it down.

Can her “career” get any worse at this point? Meanwhile, Heather Graham, usually relegated to small parts like — the one in the “The Hangover” — at least showed she can do comedy. Maybe that role will salvage her troubled career (see “Miss Conception” and almost anything she’s starred in this past decade). [US Weekly]