Lionsgate Honcho Says There Will Be Another 'Twilight' Movie If Stephenie Meyer Writes The Book

nullKeep hope alive Bella and RPatz fans and start getting that petition together for Stephenie Meyer! Ever since Lionsgate swooped in a bought Summit, the biggest question has been what their plans are for the latter's biggest franchise and most valuable asset — the "Twilight" films. Last month Lionsgate chief Jon Feltheimer said "Boy I hope so," when asked if the lucrative series would continue past the final film, 'Breaking Dawn Part 2' when it arrives this fall. And it might.

Lionsgate motion picture group co-chair Rob Friedman was asked by THR about the possibility of a 6th film, and he said if the material is there in another book, it will happen. “If she (Meyer) wishes to do it, we’ll be there to support her," he said. Messageboards all over the world are now in meltdown.

But really, there is probably no doubt that Lionsgate wants to find a way to keep the money for Summit's biggest cashcow flowing. To date, the series has raked in over $1 billion worldwide at the box office (and that's not counting merchandise, books and other ephemera). And the studio is estimating (hoping) that the finale, 'Breaking Dawn 2' will add $700 million to the bank (an ambitious overestimate considering it would have to do 150% more business than 'Breaking Dawn Part 1'). But either way Lionsgate has dollar signs in their eyes and we wouldn't be surprised if they've already put feelers out to Meyer to see what her feelings are about returning to Forks, Washington.

So Twihards, say a prayer under your Edward or Jacob poster tonight. The story may not be over yet.