Listen: Preview Lana Del Rey's Song From 'The Great Gatsby' Soundtrack

nullIt was just over a year or so ago that every music blog on the planet couldn’t stop writing about Lana Del Rey, tracking her every move, breathlessly awaiting the release of her debut album. Then it arrived and everyone kind of shrugged, and her quick rise was followed by a cynical fall, cemented by a less than stellar performance on “Saturday Night Live.” But she has continued to press on, and is still enough of a name to have worked her way onto “The Great Gatsby” soundtrack. And the results? Pretty much what you’d expect.

Breathy vocals, lush orchestration and singing about love and stuff and zzzz… It’s pretty boilerplate Lana Del Rey, but if you’re into her whole aesthetic, the song pretty much hits it dead on. Moreover, this at least sounds like something that will fit Baz Luhrmann‘s film perfectly, unlike that truly awful Fergie, Q-Tip and GoonRock collaboration. But thus far, the soundtrack stuff we’ve heard has been fairly underwhelming, but we’re not big fans of FM radio pop to begin with, so…

The soundtrack hits on May 7th with movie arriving on screens on May 10th. Listen below. [GigWise