Listen To Arcade Fire's "Abraham's Daughter" From The 'Hunger Games' Soundtrack Plus First Clip From The Film

nullWith the word around the Twittersphere that "The Hunger Games" is tracking to be a "Twilight" sized hit with the potential to offer up the first $100 million weekend of 2012, anticipation couldn't be higher for the film. We know there are a lot of you out there who can't wait for the movie, so before you explode here are a couple of treats to hold you over until the movie arrives.

First up, Arcade Fire's contribution to the soundtrack, "Abraham's Daughter" has hit the web giving fans a chance to hear it. The track is not bad, sporting a funereal march vibe (natch) with frontman telling EW (via Prefix) that he believes the story of Abraham and Issac resonates with the futuristic gladitorial battles in the film. “Our whole approach was to get into the world and try to create something that serves the story and the film,” he told the magazine. ”There’s something in the story of Abraham and Isaac that I think resonates with the themes in the film, like sacrificing children. So we made a weird, alternate-universe version of that, where it’s as if Abraham had a daughter — kind of a metaphor for Katniss.”

But if that isn't enough, the first clip from the movie has also arrived. This is usually the part where we give you some kind of context, but honestly, the only thing memory burned in our brain right now is Wes Bentley's amazing/terrible elaborate facial hair. Holy shit. Also in the future, it seems roast pig at a banquet is still a winner. Watch below.