Logic Thankfully Prevails: Ludicrous 'Juno' Sequel Idea Quashed Moments After Leaving The Brain Of Dolt That Suggested It

Sometimes you read something and think to yourself, “All is not lost for humanity.” This is one of those times. Someone, somewhere – once dropped on their head from a great height at an early age no doubt – recently suggested or asked “Juno” director Jason Reitman if he would consider a sequel to the pregnant-teen comedy.

Now anyone who’s seen that film knows this is a ludicrous idea, but the film having performed so well at the box-office this year (over $100 million and counting) – you never know what’s going to enter the head’s of studio people when these kinds of figures are being accumulated.

Either way when asked about this by PageSix.com Reitman promptly dismissed and quashed the idea (and one assume he was just being polite too).

“I can’t see it. She got pregnant once; I just can’t see her getting pregnant again,” he told the rag that could’ve brought up the suggestions themselves (definitely within the realm of possibility).

While it’s near impossible finding the original Pagesix.com link (their site is ass), we’re relieved either way. Say whatever you want about the film, its writers, directors and whatnot, but we’re pretty sure even if you drove a dumptruck of money up to Diablo Cody’s house she wouldn’t write another one of these (she’ll make enough bank off other projects anyhow).