'Making A Murderer' Team To Direct Pharmaceutical TV Drama Produced By George Clooney

When the Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos -directed “Making A Murderer” hit Netflix late last year, it was nothing less than a bombshell. The ten-part documentary riveted audiences and saw questions about the case surrounding Steven Avery and his family spill online, where further discussion took place about every angle of the story. So naturally, Hollywood has coming calling.

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Ricciardi and Demos have inked a deal to adapt and direct a TV series based on the Huffington Post article “America’s Most Admired Lawbreaker.” It tells the story of how Johnson & Johnson, the venerable multinational corporation, made billions off of an illegal effort to push a drug on children and the elderly, without disclosing the side effects. Otherwise, just another day for big pharma.  Clearly, this is fecund source material for Ricciardi and Demos, who will see the project shepherded and produced by George Clooney‘s Smokehouse Pictures.

Details are thin on the ground, but undoubtedly there will be more than few networks eager to commit to the project. [Deadline]