Man-Child Geek Round-Up: X-Men Teens Coming From Josh Schwartz

That horrible X-Men, babies, sorry teenagers project, “X-Men: First Class” is going forward. Yes, there was the comic The New Mutants that specifically dealt with teenagers grappling with their new powers (most Marvel mutants gain powers around puberty), but this one is being written by “Gossip Girls” creator Josh Schwartz (who also did the pitiful, “The O.C.”) Does that mean Alexandra Patsavas (Schwartz’s go-to girl for music) with cheesy, pseudo hip, teen emo-indie rock like Paramore and Fall Out Boy (as she is wont to do with all her projects)? Shudder… [ed. yes, we know it’s based off the comic called, “First Class” that relooked at the original young X-Men cast]. [THR]

Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the writers behind “The Chronicles Of Narnia,” have been pegged to write the “Captain America” film. Wonder how the nerds feel about that, they surely can’t be that happy with the news, guys? The film is expected for a 2011 release date, but its unknown if there will be bad CGI-lions in it or not. [Variety]

Is He-Man alive again? The Masters of the Universe toy-hero project seemed dead in the water there a few weeks ago, but apparently “Kung Fu Panda” director John Stevenson has been tapped by Joel Silver (producer of all things slick, bombastic and loud, second only to Jerry Bruckheimer). Apparently the old script was gash, so they might want to star over. [Latino Review, who seem oddly aroused by the idea of He-Man coming back to the big screen]

3-D Everything all the time! Will “Pirates Of The Caribbean 4′ be in 3-D? Do we even give a rat’s ass? Nope. Wait, the The 1991 animated Disney feature “Beauty and the Beast” will be re-released in 2010 in 3D? But wait, maybe Tim Burton’s “Alice In Wonderland” won’t be shot in 3D? God, who cares, don’t you guys remember the disaster that was “King Kong 3D”? [Variety/THR/MarketSaw]

If you thought the idea of an “Oldboy” remake with Will Smith and Steven Spielberg was loathsome before, just wait. “I Am Legend” screenwriter Mark Protosevich is in talks to take the job of rewriting the 2003, Korean revenge modern-classic. Either way, toss this into the “avoid at all costs” pile. [THR]