Mark Millar Teams With Nacho Vigalondo For Teaser For 'Supercrooks' Comic & Movie

nullMark Millar, the source writer of both “Kick-Ass” and “Wanted,” likes to talk. He’s always got something to say about the various projects based on his work, and often the legitimacy and accuracy of said comments can be brought into question. We’re still waiting to hear confirmation of that “Kick-Ass” sequel he assured us was going to happen. But, in fairness, whilst Millar does like to talk that’s probably because he’s got a lot to talk about. There are plans at various stages for adaptations of a number of his comics and graphic novels, including “Nemesis,” “American Jesus,” and “War Heroes,” and now we have some more news on the adaptation of “Supercrooks” — the comic book of which doesn’t even hit shelves until tomorrow.

The comic is, like “Kick Ass” and “Nemesis,” another riff on the superhero genre, this time examining the reason why so many superheroes seem to be based in New York City, and what might happen if a super-villain decided to land somewhere without a resident hero to defend it. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Millar has described it as “'X-Men' meets 'Ocean’s 11.'” It sounds like another interesting idea, but surely it won’t be long before the number of films deconstructing superhero movies outweighs the number of straight adaptations, and with Millar, it'll likely be less a thoughtful exploration of genre, and more a string of exploding heads and c-words. One way to pique our interest about the film, though, is to have the director of “Timecrimes” and “Extraterrestrial,” Nacho Vigalando, also attached to the project.

To coincide with the release of the comic, Millar and Vigalando have teamed up to create an amusing little teaser for the material, and in turn likely filled the first slot on the film’s eventual Blu-ray. Millar wrote the clip (and no surprise, he's front and center in it), while Vigalondo shot and edited it, and it attempts to get across a sense of the world of the story and the tone of the material, as well as hopefully create some buzz around the comic and the film adaptation. Hey look, we’re writing about it, it worked! "Supercrooks" hits your local comic store tomorrow, March 21st, and all being well, the film, to be produced by Marc Platt ("Drive," "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World") will follow on sometime in the future. [The Hollywood Reporter]