So yeah, it's a slow news day. Welcome to the malaise of early January.
Anyhow, while promoting his forthcoming counterfeit thriller "Contraband" (out later this month), star Mark Wahlberg was asked by MTV about his involvement in Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes," since the new entry in the franchise, last August's "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," got considerably kinder reviews. "I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it was pretty damn good," Wahlberg said. "Well, ours wasn't. It is what it is." Wahlberg with the self deprecation.
Still, he goes on to describe why the Burton reboot wasn't quite up to snuff. "They didn't have the script right. They had a release date before he had shot a foot of film and pushing him in the wrong direction," Wahlberg explained. Apparently that direction was "some fucking chase movie" instead of "anything remotely interesting." The star said that they should have let the filmmaker have the room to do what he wanted to do. "You have to let Tim do his thing," Wahlberg said.
Not that it was an entirely bad experience for the star. "I have had no better time on any movie than I had working with Tim," Wahlberg said. "I had the most amazing time with Tim. I would run to be on the set with him. We were doing reshoots and he would come out with me to Paris." (This is when Wahlberg was shooting Jonathan Demme's failed "Charade" remake "The Truth About Charlie." We're sorry for bringing it up.)
If you were wondering what, exactly, Mark Wahlberg and Tim Burton were up to in Paris, wonder no more! "Tim was in the club, man," Wahlberg said. "Then he'd be drawing people and all of his caricatures looked the same. He'd be drawing people in the club." Now that we would love to see: Tim Burton, scraggly mop of hair and giant dark sunglasses, drawing people in some Parisian disco. What if you walked away with an original Tim Burton cartoon of you (but were probably too drunk to remember where it came from?) Ah, the magic of Paris!
"Contraband" opens on January 13th.