Mary Elizabeth Winstead's Ramona Flowers In Action On Edgar Wright's Photo Blog

Edgar Wright’s artful and dramatically teasing photo blog has brought us yet another look at his upcoming film “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.”

The photo from Wright (the left side of the image) shows part of Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s character Ramona Flowers decked out in her signature “subspace suitcase” of a bag which houses her presently drawn large hammer with “+2 against girls” (think video games). We have put the photo up against a panel from the comic showing Ramona in action with the hammer.

‘Scott Pilgrim,’ of course, follows the story of the young, slacker, rockstar-wanna-be title character, played by Michael Cera, who must defeat the seven ex-boyfriends of Ramona Flowers, the girl of his dreams, in order to date her.

Filming is currently taking place in Toronto with an expected summer 2010 release.