Matt Reeves Will Take A Trip To 'The Twilight Zone'

Despite much more high-profile names like Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay, Alfonso Cuarón and Rupert Wyatt being wishlisted by Warner Bros., the forthcoming “The Twilight Zone” has found its director, and it’s a pretty inspired choice.

Cloverfield” and “Let Me In” director Matt Reeves has been selected by the studio and Leonardo DiCaprio‘s Appian Way production company to get the movie rolling. Unlike the 1983 anthology movie, this will be a single story/narrative and it already has an initial script by rising scribe Jason Rothenberg. The plan is for Reeves to give a pass at the script himself, and for everything to come together for him to direct the movie next summer. The helmer has spent most of the year amassing a string of potential followups to his excellent and somewhat underrated “Let The Right One In” remake, but it looks like this will be his next go project.

So what is he leaving on the backburner? Well, there’s the Frankenstein storyThis Dark Endeavor,” the vampire flickPassage,” the adaptation of the celebrated sci-fi short “8 O’Clock In the Morning,” and of course his long-gestating dream projectThe Invisible Woman.”

“One of the great things about the reception of [‘Let Me In’] is that there are a lot of interesting projects being sent my way. So I’m reading stuff and hopefully in the next couple of months I’ll choose exactly what I’m going to do and probably try and find a way to marry, with the schedule, a way to do ‘The Invisible Woman’ as well. So that’s what I would love to do,” Reeves told us at the beginning of the year. So maybe this be a “one for them, one for me” gig that can help get that movie off the ground? Let’s hope so.

But as for now, Reeves is great selection to take on the hallowed franchise. He’s certainly shown that he can approach familiar material with a unique voice, and we’ll be eager to see what he brings to the table here. [Deadline]