Matthew Vaughn Says He Would Start 'First Class' Sequel With JFK Assassination Committed By Magneto

Also Says Only One New Character Will Be Introduced

With early reactions positioning Matthew Vaughn‘s anticipated and epic (yes, it runs just under 2 hours and 15 minutes) “X-Men: First Class” as a winner, sequel talk is already underway. While earlier reports have speculated whether or not the film will time jump to the ’70s or ’80s, it looks like Vaughn isn’t ready to leave the ’60s setting of his origin story film just yet and he’s got a pretty bonkers idea on where to kick-off a followup to ‘First Class.’

“I’ve got some ideas for the opening for the next film. I thought it would be fun to open with the Kennedy Assassination, and we reveal that the magic bullet was controlled by Magneto,” Vaughn shared in an interview with HitFix. “That would explain the physics of it, and we see that he’s pissed off because Kennedy took all the credit for saving the world and mutants weren’t even mentioned. And we could go from there, and I’ve got some fun ideas about what other mutants to bring in. I don’t want to tempt fate, though. If the film’s a hit, of course I’d be interested. I really enjoyed making it.”

As most already know, the current film finds the newly assembled mutants brought in to assist with the Cuban Missile Crisis. As Vaughn lets on, they save the day but it looks like America isn’t quite ready to reckon with mutants so they are left out of the limelight. As for what new mutants we might see down the road, Vaughn told MovieWeb he’s only got one new face planned and he’s not gonna say who it is.

“We will only have one more new character. I won’t say who he…I won’t say who he or she is! But we will only be bringing one more new character in. Because, I think, as Professor X is in a wheelchair, Magneto needs to have a nemesis he can fight with. Someone that will be his equal. I know who it is. It would be nice if I could say something, but I can’t, mate!,” Vaughn hinted. We’ll leave the guesswork to others, but producer Bryan Singer recently told IGN that Wolverine coming in isn’t out of the question saying, “I think there would definitely be room. I think it would be a very exciting thing. This universe has to establish itself first, but that would be a very interesting and fun thing.”

The idea of mixing up the X-Men with real historical events is a great idea, but also tricky. Tackling the Cuban Missile Crisis? Sure. Involved in the most infamous assassination of an American political figure in history? Yeah, that might be overstepping the mark a little bit but if the writers can make it work, we’ll give it shot (no pun intended).

“X-Men: First Class” opens on June 3rd.